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Roof Incident | Your Help Is Critical
On August 29, 2024, as the concrete roof was being poured for our new community center, part of the roof collapsed.
Thankfully, no one was injured.
This is an unexpected challenge, but it hasn't discouraged our mission and vision for the center. The youth and their families of our community are counting on us.
More Than Ever, We Need Your Help!
Without your support, this meaningful community
initiative is in jeopardy.
Thank you for standing with us!
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Cabarete’s First
Community Center
Is Coming!

The center will be the heart of our community and serve as a hub for educational, cultural, recreational programs and crisis response.
Reach New Heights
Educational programs, workshops that enhance personal growth, empower community members to acquire new knowledge and abilities.
Cultural events, performances, and exhibitions that celebrate the heritage of our community.

Crisis Response
In times of crisis and emergencies, it will act as vital communication and coordination hub, helping community come together and support one another.
Facilities that encourage physical activity, health, and well-being.
For all ages and backgrounds.
Gathering Place
A Look At What's Coming
Construction Milestones